Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Can You Break the Code?

Hi friends, I am back.
                   This time I am going to give you a small challenge, just to spice things up a bit.  You have to find out the sentence or the phrase behind the seemingly none-sensible letters I have given below.  Something like scrabble if you want to see it that way.  To ease things a little, the phrase or the sentence I am looking for contains three words and I have put spaces after each word.  This is one of the simplest codes in the world and I am sure you will easily figure it out.  Anyway, here we go!


                   All right, here is the clue.  I have replaced the original letters of the phrase by the letters immediately after them.  For example, replacing “O” by “P” or replacing “R” by “Q”. 
Want to try it now?


                   We come across this kind of little codes in the detective novels and movies that we read or watch,  don’t we?  Since my childhood, I was fascinated by various tricks that you can do with shuffling words and letters.  Ordering and reordering them to form new words is still one of my greatest hobbies.  If I say code breaking is something that we often do in our lives, do you agree with me?  For example, think about a person who is difficult to understand.  I have had several friends, who at my first glance were mere puzzles for me.  Their actions and their worldviews may baffle you to the extent that, you feel you can never understand the person, let alone forming a deep friendship with him or her.  According to my reading, our inability to understand a person’s ontological stand point makes that person an enigma in our eyes.  Or shall I say we have failed to break his or her personal code?
                   Through my experiences I have realised that, there is always some kind of an order behind the things that we dismiss as totally incomprehensible or rubbish.  As the old saying goes, there is no smoke without a fire.  Sometimes we fail to observe the fire(in my case the hidden order) because, it does not fall into the parameters of our understanding.  Thus, what matters is how much time and energy we are ready to allocate to understand the world around us.  It is always easy to skip over someone or something because it is beyond our understanding.  However, what is most important is to make some order out of the situations that appear to be mere chaos.  As I believe, if you are willing to give some thought to the codes that leave you without a clue you would not be disappointed.
                   So, my friends, don’t get frustrated by hundreds of meaningless things that you come across in your life.  There is some reason that prompts each action or situation.  Just take few seconds and try to break the code behind that.  It is worth giving a try.

1 comment:

  1. You gave the answer before I could work out the code!!!! Interesting view of life.
