Monday, January 21, 2019

An Insane Dreamer: Steve Jobs

When I was looking for some interesting material for a blog article, I came across the following video on YouTube.

Please friends, do take a look at this video. I can guarantee you 100% that you will hit the ‘watch this again’ button. This is quite an interesting video especially for folks in twenties as they saw the evolution of smart phones from its very beginning to what it is today. The video features Steve Jobs introducing the Apple iPhone to the global market. The whole video is a wonderful example for the marketing and presentation techniques that we have been learning the last semester in our course Foundations in Professional Writing Genres.
I would like to compare the video with Job’s introduction to the release of Macintosh in 1984. Both Macintosh and iPhone are revolutionary products. Macintosh was the first computer designed for personal use. When Jobs presented Macintosh, people never believed that they would use a computer like an ordinary consumer product. In the same way, Apple iPhone was the first smart phone with a touch screen interface. It features a thin design, 16 megapixel camera and sound sensors which revolutionized the mobile phone. As Jobs is himself explaining in the video, he wanted to incorporate the features of a PC to a mobile phone. Jobs is pretty much accurate when he mentions that it is the smartest phone in the market at that moment.
 I would also like to share my thoughts about the way Jobs takes the entrance to the presentation. If you have time please watch the Job’s introduction to the release of Macintosh as well. It took place way back in 1984. If you watch that video carefully, you will quickly notice how branding has evolved in corporate sector within past two three decades. Jobs was seen wearing business casual when he presented Macintosh in 1984. In 2007, his attire has become simpler, yet you can notice that it has been carefully arranged to suit to the occasion. The colours of his blue denim, his unique black mock turtleneck and white sneakers have been carefully synchronized with the background colours of the presentation slides. The presentations slides create an eerie, futuristic feeling. Similarly, Jobs’ presentations style reminds me that of a magician, rather than a corporate presenter. The way he reiterates the words ‘revolutionary’, ‘gorgeous’ and ‘breakthrough’ reminds me a fictitious character in a Dan Brown’s novel. Not only his language, the way he occupies space on the stage also conveys us that we are going to witness a breakthrough in mobile technology.
The video is such a historically valuable text. No wonder Apple iPhone made a huge difference in the mobile phone market. We all are benefited by Jobs’ innovation as major companies like Samsung and Sony incorporated the above mentioned feature to their products. They all followed Job’s initiative and developed the smart phone. No wonder Steve Jobs became a hero for many in the world. What I want to highlight, is the passion with which he exploits the features of iPhone in a creative way. The way he presents the features and the advantages of the phone mesmerizes the audience. True, there is a troop behind this presentation, but the way he incorporates his passion for the product enchants the audience and if you were in the audience you would definitely feel like buying the iPhone right at that moment. People like Steve Jobs make the difference in the world. It is not only to do with the emerging demand for digital devices like smartphones and computers. It is to do with passion and confidence with which you work. I am pretty sure Jobs might have been laughed at for his apparently wizard ideas. But having faith and trust in what he did made the difference in the end. Steve Jobs, this name will be remembered by many for a long period of time, not only as the founder of Apple or the inventor of Macintosh or iPhone, but as a person who believed in his dreams insanely.

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